
Pros and Cons of Orthodontic Treatments

Posted by AUGSTEN FAMILY DENTAL on Mar 3 2022, 06:00 AM

Orthodontic treatments are procedures that straighten teeth to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth and face. These are done to ensure the long-term health of your teeth, gums, and jaw joints.

When Is Orthodontic Treatment Necessary?

Orthodontics has improved exponentially in the last decade. From traditional braces, we now have invisible aligners to correct, among others, the following issues:

  • Breathing issues
  • Bite problems like crossbite, crowding, underbite, and overbite 
  • Alignment of extra teeth
  • Teeth erupting out of place
  • Trouble speaking due to jaw alignment issues
  • Aesthetic considerations

Pros of Orthodontic Treatment

  • Improves the orthodontic issues like crossbite, crowding, and spacing
  • Addresses the early signs of jaw problems
  • Corrects bad oral habits
  • Ensures good dental hygiene
  • Ensures sufficient space for permanent teeth eruption
  • Improves one's speech
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Holds protruding teeth in the correct place
  • Saves your child from complicated dental treatments when they reach their teenage years
  • Avoids the need for tooth extraction due to improper growth
  • Guides permanent teeth during their growing stage
  • Avoids early primary tooth loss due to cavities
  • Improves one's aesthetic appearance

Cons of Orthodontic Treatment

  • The gingiva and teeth might loosen as the treatment lasts for a long period. Retainers are recommended to rectify the condition.
  • Sensitivity may occur while consuming hot or cold food. During the orthodontic treatment, part of the jaw bone surrounding the teeth recedes, resulting in tooth sensitivity.
  • The altering of the natural gum structure could cause loosening of the tooth as age advances.
  • Depending on the choice of braces, you should consider the time and cost of dental appointments.
  • Orthodontic treatments may interfere with your lifestyle. But consider they are done for a fabulous smile and removed after short periods when necessary.
  • Root resorption normally happens during orthodontic treatment. This noninfectious damage is caused by the loss of hard and soft dental tissue.
  • Oral hygiene practices are difficult with some orthodontic appliances. This may result in plaque formation and continuous tartar buildup that would affect gum tissues, resulting in periodontal diseases.

Even though there are some concerns regarding the treatment, orthodontics is a must for the correction of misaligned teeth, speech impairments, TMJ issues, among others. A better understanding of the pros and cons of orthodontic treatment ensures better care throughout the duration of the treatment.

If you’re unsure if you require orthodontic treatment, discuss your oral concerns with our experts at Austgen Family Dental, 1405 W County Line Rd Suite A, Greenwood, IN 46142. Call us at (317) 885-6400 to book an appointment.

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1405 W County Line Rd Suite A, Greenwood, IN 46142

Phone: (317) 885-6400


  • MON - WED: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
  • THU: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • FRI - SUN: Closed
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